Cleanroom modern systems reduce air contamination in millions of particles per cubic meter to almost absolute purity.
The proper integration of the cleanroom with architecture elements, associated with an adequate temperature control, pressure, relative humidity, air velocity and filtering, will ensure an accurate validation of the room within the required time of the project.
Through the development and installations of industrial ventilation system, pneumatic transport, retention of dust and waste treatment, we can ensure clean air at work and at environment. Pollutants, waste, gases, smoke, dust, heat and noise are inevitable at industrial productions. The priority, however, is to protect the people and the environment.
Through international partnerships, we try to offer components with the maximum local content. Our Integrated Management System, with its policy of Quality, Safety and Health, Environment, Sustainability and Social Responsibility, guarantees safe operations with responsibility.
We look for a steady evolution of certifications and we focus on attending the annual renewal requirements of the Registry Classification (CRCC) of Petrobras.